Suhaimi Foundations, headquartered in Damman (Saudi Arabia), is part of the Alsuhaimi Group Holding, a company that has been active in the piling business since 1990 and works all over KSA and the Gulf Countries.
Suhaimi Foundations is a pioneering company in its field and owns only Soilmec branded drilling rigs. In the last 20 years of activity, Suhaimi Foundations purchased 18 Soilmec machines. In the period October-December 2017, they bought five SR-60, that are now ready and set for all the needs on field.
These Soilmec SR-60 can perform piles with a maximum diameter of 2,000 millimeters, even though Suhaimi Foundations were able to execute piles with a diameter of 3,500 millimeters, in some cases.
The relation we have with Suhaimi Foundations is not just a business relationship. It’s a relation of mutual trust. And what’s most important for us is that the client really trusts our products and their satisfying performances on site.